Entrepreneur mindset

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My startup business failed because I made some terrible mistake, entrepreneurship is not just about zeal and goal, is not just about passion and vision. Wisdom is very important in your journey of building a business.

You don't wait to learn from experience, you learn from people's experience, I learnt this truth the hard way and I'm sharing this so you can avoid the same mistake I made some years back.

I applied for Yedp loan of the Central Bank and it was quickly approved. My business plan was superb, off course it should be, am a business plan consultant.

After the long process, it was disbursed by Sterling Bank. Now read carefully the mistakes I made that crumbled the business.

1. I was too excited: excitement is good but when it takes over your sense of reasoning and common sense, it becomes bad. The excitement of that huge amount of money in my bank account temporarily seized my sense of frugality. The picture I was having in my mind was just to start a big business that will start making lots of money. The way you see business on paper is different from the way business is run in the street. Never be too excited when money comes into your hand, especially loan. Get an accountability partner to calm you down so you can reason normal.

2. I started very big: No matter the huge amount of money at your disposal, start small and grow big. Even if the money is yours, start small and scale up fast. I started very big without enough customers to fill in the big vacuum I created, I keep making "big" expenses to keep the laundry business running. Paying workers and also dealing with the problem of unfaithful workers while the business has not started yielding enough sales to cover its expenses. Of course you make provisions for working capital to cover expenses during the incubation period of the business. But if you started big, the expe