is a highly innovative and advanced technology-based exchange system that offers a unique platform for trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. Similar to popular exchanges like Binance and Coinmarket, provides users with the opportunity to engage in buying and selling various digital currencies. The exchange currently features two main coins: Billg coin (free) and Billcoin Pro. the platform ensures a secure and transparent trading experience. By providing multiple account statuses and a referral program, encourages user engagement and offers lucrative opportunities for earning referral commissions. It's important to note that the company reserves the right to modify its rules and regulations, ensuring adaptability and growth within the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape. offers different account statuses, including Silver, Gold, and Platinum. New clients start with Silver status, which provides no referral commission. Upon account verification, the status automatically upgrades to Gold, granting the first-level client 66% of the exchange fee and the second-level client 10% of the referral commission. Platinum status requires 100 referral depositors and 15 new depositor referrals per month. In Platinum status, referral commission is distributed up to 5 levels, with 66% on the first level and 10% on the second to fifth levels.
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