One of the finest female Kings in Nigeria

Creator of this post Eriega Edoja James. He has 1 Posts. Category of this post Event is belong to Nigeria Country. He has total Billgcoins 413.82 With 0 Referrals. For more information about this picture creator Eriegas53 Referral code of this creator is Eriegas53.

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HRM Taiwo Oyebola Agbona Regent Taiwo Oyebola Agbona was crowned in 2017 to temporarily take the throne of her ancestors until the kingmakers choose a male king through the guidance of their ancestors. gathered that the regent was chosen due to the fact that she is the first girl child. She was crowned to take the throne after the Alaaye of Aaye Oba Agbona Orimori 11, passed and joined his ancestors on May 4, 2017. She is a graduate of Achievers University in Owo where she studied medical laboratory science