Creator of this post DAVID E. TETTEH-IKOMI. He has 11 Posts. Category of this post Nature is belong to Nigeria Country. He has total Billgcoins 267.77 With 0 Referrals. For more information about this picture creator dstarofdavid Referral code of this creator is dstarofdavid.
Money is more than just paper. If money was ever enough politicians will stop stealing. The more you have, the higher your spending. The greatest lesson I ever learned is that although there are a lot of curriculums in our schools to learn about many things yet there is no school nor curriculum where we learn about financial education. In the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, I leaned one of the best lessons about money. He said liabilities are those things we have that remove money from our pockets whereas assets are those things we have that put money into our pockets. While financially intelligent people (the very rich) spend their money purchasing assets, financially unintelligent people (ordinary people and the middle class) spend theirs buying liabilities. With time the financially intelligent gets richer while the unintelligent go bankrupt. He said while the rich have lots of savings of the proceeds of their investments and only spend on luxury out the excess, the middle class spend all their profit on luxury while the poor spend their capital on luxury.
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